Thursday, January 6, 2011

Honey instead of sugar

Since there are no local sugar refineries in the area, we have been gradually making the change over to honey as our sweetener, which is really a good thing because honey is much better for you than sugar, and it can serve many other functions as well (ie. it is a great antiseptic, and wonderful for calming a coughing child).  Plus, the more people that consume honey the more bee hives will be needed which will in turn benefit our fruits and veggies which need bees for successful pollination.  Ok, off of my soapbox.  Anyway, I saw an ad in our paper for local honey (within 5 miles of my house- pretty darn local).  I called the man and he told me where he was and come anytime to pick it up.  His instructions were to park out front, walk around back to the half open gate, come through gate, and knock on door of small building out back.  Now, I am kind of thinking, I am going to buy honey or something illegal?  But, as it turns out it was truly honey, beautiful golden-hued honey- right here in my neck of the woods!  As it turns out, he keeps his bee hives on the Clemson Ext. land in exchange for his bees helping to pollinate their crops.  How cool is that!  Both get to benefit, and now me and my family do, too!  We have been enjoying it a lot on our homemade bread, biscuits, and cornbread.  It also has been helping with all of my boys' sore throats and coughs this time of year.  And, for mom and dad, it helps make a wonderful hot toddy- just mix it with some sweet tea vodka (locally distilled right on the island), and a squeeze of fresh lemon (fresh from a neighbor of my parent's in Beaufort), and some hot water- great relaxing drink on these cold evenings!

1 comment:

  1. Eating local honey is also good for fighting off your local allergens. We live on it here :)
