Monday, February 7, 2011

A new snack- Kale Chips!

Once again, we have discovered a new way to eat a food that we would have never eaten before.  On Saturday when I went out to pick up our CSA share, one of the vegetables we got was kale.  My husband has never been a huge fan of kale (not really sure why), so I normally just get one bunch and then trade our other bunch for collards.  However, when I was picking up the kale bunch, I noticed a new recipe above the kale- Kale Chips!  It seemed very easy and might just be tasty- you never know til you try it!  Also, my husband and boys have seemed to be craving a new snack food.  So, into my bag the bunches of kale went!  When we got home of course everyone was "starving" and dinner was still two hours away.  It seems with growing children and a husband someone is always starving!  Since dinner was still a few hours away, I decided to try the kale chip recipe out for a snack food.  All you do is take the kale bunches and remove the stems and cut or tear the kale into bite size pieces.  Then, in a bowl mix about 1/4 cup olive oil, a few splashes of vinegar (I used red wine), salt, and pepper, and add the kale pieces to this, and mix this together.  Then, spread out on a baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes at 325 degrees, or until crispy.  Then take a bite and enjoy!!  Trust me, I did not think kale could possibly make a good snack food, but I was proven incorrect.  As it turns out, kale chips are delicious!  My husband could not believe how good they were!  Of course, my boys were the ultimate taste testers- and it passed their taste buds with flying colors!  Turns out kale makes a very yummy chip, and guess what, it is super nutritious, too!  It comes out crispy and tasty just like a potato chip- but even better!  We also made a batch of sweet potato chips, too.  We were able to satisfy our snack food craving with nutritious and local food, but we did not have to sacrifice taste, and we did not have to feel guilty about eating all the chips!  Update on cheese making, our cheese supplies came in over the weekend, so today it is homemade cheese making day- bring on the mozzarella and ricotta!!


  1. Sounds delicious- I am going to make some this week-Kale is so good for you! Also ,loved seeing your new greenhouse last week not only is it very functional but it is lovely as well-I know you will be spending a lot of time there. Hopefully I can get Brett to make one for me! I will be on the look out for some old windows. Enjoy reading your blogs!!

  2. I am so glad I read this! I have been wanting to try kale for awhile because it's so nutrious. I am going to buy some today and try kale chips this afternoon! Thanks Callie! I love your blog!!
